Solar Electric Photovoltaic Modules
TOPCon solar panel technology is an advanced crystalline silicon photovoltaic technology based on Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact (TOPCon). This technology improves the electrical performance and photovoltaic conversion efficiency of solar cells by forming an ultra-thin silicon oxide layer and a doped polysilicon layer on the surface of silicon solar cells. The core of TOPCon technology lies in using tunnel oxide layers to reduce minority carrier recombination at interfaces, thereby enhancing the open-circuit voltage and fill factor of the cells.
Research and development of TOPCon solar cells have made significant strides. For instance, optimizing the thickness of tunnel oxide layers, doping concentrations, and the structure of polysilicon layers can further increase cell efficiency. Studies indicate that ultra-thin tunnel oxide layers and low defect densities are crucial for improving cell passivation quality and efficiency. Additionally, advanced techniques such as selective emitter (SE) technology and laser doping can achieve higher photovoltaic conversion efficiencies in TOPCon solar cells.
Another important development direction for TOPCon solar cells is their integration with tandem structures combining perovskite/crystalline silicon (c-Si). This tandem structure holds promise for surpassing the theoretical efficiency limits of single-junction solar cells, achieving higher photovoltaic conversion efficiencies. For example, research has demonstrated efficiencies up to 27.6% using industrial-scale TOPCon equipment as the substrate for perovskite/c-Si monolithic devices.
In terms of industrial production, TOPCon solar panel technology has also progressed. For instance, employing techniques like Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (LPCVD) and Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) enables the mass production of high-efficiency TOPCon solar cells on production lines. Furthermore, tube-type PECVD equipment technology can further enhance production efficiency and reduce costs for TOPCon solar cells.
In summary, TOPCon solar panel technology significantly enhances the electrical performance and photovoltaic conversion efficiency of silicon solar cells by introducing a tunnel oxide passivated contact structure. With ongoing technological advancements and the gradual maturation of industrial production, TOPCon solar cells are poised to become one of the mainstream high-efficiency solar panel technologies in the future.
N-veida TOPCon tehnoloģijas PV moduļu galvenās iezīmes:
1. Augsta efektivitāte: Šie moduļi parasti nodrošina augstāku efektivitāti salīdzinājumā ar parastajiem P tipa moduļiem, pateicoties N tipa silīcija īpašībām un uzlabotai virsmas pasivācijai, ko nodrošina TOPCon slānis.
2. Izturība un uzticamība: Moduļi ir izstrādāti tā, lai izturētu ekstremālus laikapstākļus, un ir pārbaudīti atbilstoši starptautiskajiem standartiem, nodrošinot ilgu kalpošanas laiku.
3. Temperatūras veiktspēja: N-veida silīcijs uzrāda labākus temperatūras koeficientus, kas nozīmē, ka moduļi saglabā augstāku efektivitāti pat pie augstākām darba temperatūrām.
4. Zems noārdīšanās ātrums: N tipa silīcijam ir zemāks noārdīšanās ātrums laika gaitā, kas nozīmē labāku ilgtermiņa veiktspēju un augstāku enerģijas ieguves koeficientu visā moduļa kalpošanas laikā.
5. Uzlabotie ražošanas procesi: Šajos moduļos bieži tiek izmantotas progresīvas ražošanas metodes, piemēram, zemspiediena ķīmiskā tvaiku uzklāšana (LPCVD) un plazmas pastiprināta ķīmiskā tvaiku uzklāšana (PECVD), kas veicina augstāku kvalitāti un konsekvenci.
6. Environmentally Friendly: N-Type TOPCon modules are designed with sustainability in mind, reducing the environmental impact of solar energy production.7. Performance Guarantees: Many manufacturers offer linear performance guarantees of up to 30 years, ensuring the highest investment security and warranty claims.