Industry News

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San Miguel uzstāda milzīgu 568 kW jumta saules enerģijas sistēmu

San Migels, Meksika - San Migels de Alendē, burvīgā pilsēta, kas pazīstama ar savu spilgto kultūru un koloniālo arhitektūru, ir sākusi izmantot atjaunojamos energoresursus, uzstādot 568 kW saules enerģijas jumta sistēmu. Šis projekts iezīmē nozīmīgu lēcienu pilsētas ilgtspējīgas enerģētikas jomā un sniegs ievērojamu labumu gan vietējai ekonomikai, gan videi.

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Meksikas Longi 6kW jumta saules enerģijas projekts bruģē ceļu saules bateriju montāžas tirgum

Mexico has taken a significant step towards its renewable energy goals with the completion of a major solar project in a residential area. The project involved the installation of a Longi 6kW solar system, which is helping homeowners achieve greater energy independence and contributing to the country’s push for clean and sustainable energy solutions. A key component of the project is the solar panel mounting system, which ensures efficient energy generation while maximizing durability.

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Metāla plakano jumtu saules bateriju montāža

Kādas ir saules paneļu priekšrocības uz metāla jumtiem?

The integration of solar panels with metal roofs has seen a significant rise in recent years, driven by the push towards sustainable energy solutions and the need for cost-effective energy sources. Data from the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) reveals that the U.S. solar market has grown by an average of 42% per year over the last decade, with a notable portion of this growth attributed to residential installations. The durability and energy efficiency of metal roofs make them an ideal platform for solar panels, offering a range of benefits that extend beyond mere energy savings. This article explores these benefits in depth, providing a comprehensive understanding of why metal roofs and solar panels are a perfect match.

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