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산 미구엘, 대규모 568kW 옥상 태양광 시스템 설치
San Miguel, Mexico – San Miguel de Allende, a charming city known for its vibrant culture and colonial architecture, is making waves in renewable energy with the installation of a 568kW rooftop solar system. This project marks a significant leap forward in the city’s commitment to sustainable energy and will provide substantial benefits to both the local economy and the environment.

누에보 레온, 새로운 9.7kW 옥상 태양광 시스템 공개
Nuevo León, Mexico – In a significant step towards sustainable energy, the Nuevo León region has recently completed the installation of a 9.7kW rooftop solar power system. This project marks a key milestone in the area’s transition to clean energy, offering substantial economic benefits and positive environmental impacts for local residents and businesses.

온두라스에서 3.5kW 옥상 태양광 프로젝트의 성공적인 완료
A 3.5kW rooftop solar project in Honduras has recently been completed, marking an important milestone in the region’s shift toward sustainable energy. This project incorporates an industry-leading solar panel mounting system and is expected to bring significant energy savings and environmental benefits to the area.

멕시코 플라야 델 카르멘의 C&I 프로젝트에 107kW 옥상 태양광 패널 설치를 성공적으로 완료했습니다.
A major Commercial & Industrial (C&I) solar project in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, has recently been completed with the installation of a 107kW rooftop solar panel system. This project features the latest solar panel mounting technology, which is expected to bring significant energy savings and sustainable development benefits to the region’s businesses.

태양광 패널 설치 시스템으로 멕시코 6개 공항의 재생 에너지에 혁신을 불러일으키다
In an exciting move towards cleaner, more sustainable energy, the C&I_Mexico_3MW_6 Airports project has successfully launched solar panel installations across six major airports in Mexico. This initiative is a significant step forward in the country’s commitment to renewable energy, showcasing the power and efficiency of solar panel mounting systems in large-scale infrastructure.

멕시코 롱기 6kW 옥상 태양광 프로젝트, 태양광 설치 시장의 길을 열다
Mexico has taken a significant step towards its renewable energy goals with the completion of a major solar project in a residential area. The project involved the installation of a Longi 6kW solar system, which is helping homeowners achieve greater energy independence and contributing to the country’s push for clean and sustainable energy solutions. A key component of the project is the solar panel mounting system, which ensures efficient energy generation while maximizing durability.
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