Solar Meteor AE_CME(topcon 210mm)-132BDS_680W-700W
PV modules consist of PV cell circuits sealed in an environmentally protective laminate and are the fundamental building block of PV systems
PV modules consist of PV cell circuits sealed in an environmentally protective laminate and are the fundamental building block of PV systems
N-tüüpi TOPCon tehnoloogia PV-moodulid on kõrge kasuteguriga fotogalvaanilised moodulid, mis kasutavad N-tüüpi räni ja tunnelioksiidiga passiivse kontakti (TOPCon) tehnoloogiat.
N-tüüpi TOPCon tehnoloogia PV-moodulid on kõrge kasuteguriga fotogalvaanilised moodulid, mis kasutavad N-tüüpi räni ja tunnelioksiidiga passiivse kontakti (TOPCon) tehnoloogiat.
TOPCon on täiustatud päikesepaneelide tehnoloogia, mille eesmärk on suurendada päikesepatareide tõhusust. Seda peetakse järgmise põlvkonna tehnoloogiaks, mis ületab tavalisi PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) päikesepatareid.
TOPCon solar panel technology is an advanced crystalline silicon photovoltaic technology based on Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact (TOPCon).
A PV module consists of many PV cells wired in parallel to increase current and in series to produce a higher voltage. 36 cell modules are the industry standard for large power production.
Sobib jaotusturule,lihtne disain kehastab kaasaegset stiili, kõrgeim tõhusus parima energiatootmise tulemuslikkusega, parem tootegarantii, parem teenindus
High reliability, stable operation under harsh testing conditions. More suitable for industrial and commercial colored steel tile roofs and small angle installation scenarios
Equipped with HPBC Cell, continuing the high efficiency gene. Unique border design effectively reduces the impact of dust accumulation and improves power generation gain throughout the entire lifecycle
Toote omadused:
Discover the exceptional efficiency and versatility of our Photovoltaic Panels, designed to harness solar energy for residential, commercial, and governmental applications. Our panels feature advanced technology for maximum energy conversion, ensuring optimal performance even in low-light conditions. Ideal for roof and ground mounting systems, these panels provide sustainable energy solutions for a variety of projects, from home installations to large-scale power stations. With robust construction and superior durability, our Photovoltaic Panels withstand harsh weather conditions, offering long-term reliability and significant energy savings. Perfect for eco-conscious individuals, businesses, and public sector entities looking to reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs. Enhance your solar power setup with our cutting-edge Photovoltaic Panels, and experience the future of clean energy today.