Easy Spider vertikaalsed päikesepaneelide komplektid

Easy Spider vertikaalsed päikesepaneelide komplektid

Easy Spider vertikaalsed päikesepaneelide komplektid on elegantsed, madala profiiliga lahendused seinale paigaldamiseks.

Toote üksikasjad

Easy Spider Vertical Solar Panel Kits Features:

Modern appearance: the stylish spider vertical päikesepaneelide komplekt is stylish in design and can enhance the beauty of any building. It has a slender outline that blends seamlessly into any building, creating a pure and exquisite appearance.

Installation is easy: these components are built to easily match wall-mounted installations, so there is no need for large-scale structural changes during installation. This simplifies the installation process and saves time and effort. Additionally, they can adapt to a variety of architectural styles and structures and are compatible with a variety of installation systems.

Excellent performance: despite its small size, the easy spider vertical päikesepaneelide komplekt is equipped with high-quality components to maximize energy production. Its efficient päikesepaneelid and advanced technology take full advantage of sunlight to ensure maximum power output even in areas with limited space or limited sunlight.
Their performance makes them suitable for households and businesses to meet the energy needs of different environments.
Versatile: A simple Spider vertical solar panel kit is a versatile solution for a variety of applications from home, commercial to industrial environments. Whether residential, office or warehouse, these kits provide reliable and sustainable solar solutions to meet different needs. The easy spider vertical solar panel kit can be used in different locations and climatic conditions, making it ideal for both urban and rural areas.
Reliable and durable: the easy spider vertical solar panel kit is made of high-quality materials and can be durable in harsh environmental conditions. They have undergone rigorous durability and reliability tests to reassure customers about solar investment. Its rugged structure and weather resistance can ensure long-term use and provide customers with satisfactory warranty service.

Easy Spider vertikaalsed päikesepaneelide komplektid

Easy Spider vertikaalsed päikesepaneelide komplektid

Diverse Applications of Easy Spider Vertical Solar Panel Kits

Our Easy Spider Vertical Päikesepaneelide komplektid are not only designed for performance but also for flexibility across multiple uses. Below are specific scenarios where our kits shine:
  • Urban Residential Complexes:
Vertical Space Utilization:In city landscapes where horizontal space is at a premium, homeowners and residential developers can take advantage of vertical surfaces to install solar solutions.
Facade Enhancement:Turn building facades into power-generating entities without compromising the aesthetic. These kits contribute to the building’s modern look while providing functional benefits.
  • Commercial Establishments:
Branding with Sustainability:Retail buildings, offices, and hotels use the Easy Spider Kits to project an image of environmental responsibility. 
The sleek design becomes a visual statement of commitment to sustainability.
Maximized Wall Exposure: Utilize south-facing walls or those receiving ample daylight for energy harvesting, perfectly blending with architectural elements.


Q: What makes Easy Spider Vertical Päikesepaneelide komplektid suitable for wall-mount applications?
A: Easy Spider Vertical Päikesepaneelide komplektid are specifically designed with a slim profile, ensuring seamless integration with wall mounts without disrupting the building’s aesthetic appeal. This allows for easy installation on walls without requiring extensive modifications to the existing structure.
Q: Are Easy Spider Vertical Päikesepaneelide komplektid suitable for areas with limited space?
A: Yes, Easy Spider Vertical Päikesepaneelide komplektid are ideal for areas with limited space due to their compact design and high-performance capabilities. They maximize energy generation even in confined spaces, making them suitable for residential, commercial, and industrial settings where space is a constraint.

Parameetrite tabel

Tehnilised andmed

PV-mooduli parameeter *
Mooduli võimsus (Pmpp @STC) 400 (400-460 valikuline) 400 * 2 (400 - 460 valikuliselt)
Max. Mooduli tõhusus 20,7% (kuni 24%) 20,7% (kuni 24%)
Temperatuur. Coef. (võimsus) -0,34%/℃ -0,34%/℃
Värv Must Must

Vahelduvvoolu väljundparameeter

Max. Süsteemi pidev väljundvõimsus (W)** 400 800
Max. Väljundvool (A) 2 4
Nominaalne väljundpinge (V)***


Nominaalsagedus (Hz)*** 50/60
Võimsuse tegur >0.99
Väljundi praegune harmooniline moonutus <3%
Vahelduvvoolu lõppkaabli pikkus*** 5m (10m, 15m valikuliselt)



CE,TUV,UL,CQC,IEC 61215,IEC 61730


CE-LVD,CE-EMC,CE-RED,VDE 4105,EN 50549-1


Keskkonnakaitse hinnang IP67
Töökeskkonna temperatuurivahemik -40 ℃ kuni 60 ℃
Suhteline niiskus 0-100%
Max. Töökõrgus ilma vähendamiseta [m] 2000

Mehaaniline parameeter

Kaal [kg] 27 54
Pakendi mõõtmed (W×K×K mm) 1722x1195x164 1722x1195x164 *2tk

S: Hõbedane / B: Must / BC: Blakc Piemer(Taaskontakt PV-moodul)


12 aastat

* Päikesemooduli värvi, marki ja võimsust saab kohandada, kui PV-moodul sobib ESK süsteemiga.

** Süsteemi väljundvõimsus võib olla piiratud 300W (ESK400) või 600W (ESK800).

*** Vahelduvvoolu pinge, sagedusvahemik ja pistiku tüüp võivad erineda sõltuvalt konkreetse riigi elektrivõrgustikust.


Spider Vertical TSOL-ESK400-SV Easy Solar Kit Spider Vertical (400W full black panel,

Must klamber ilma nurgata, mikroinverter MS400, 5m pikkune lõppkaabel ja pistik)

Spider Vertical TSOL-ESK800-SV Easy Solar Kit Spider Vertical (400W full black panel*2,

Black bracket without angle*2, Microinverter MS800, DC cable 2m*2, end cable 5m and plug)