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Rumænien afslutter 150 kW solcelleprojekt med 26 mm miniskinnesystem til trapezformede metalplader

Bucharest, Romania – Romania has successfully completed a 150kW solar installation, utilizing the 26mm mini rail system for trapezoidal sheet metal roofs. This innovative mounting solution ensures a secure, lightweight, and efficient solar panel installation, further supporting Romania’s transition towards renewable energy. The integration of solar panel brackets enhances the stability and durability of the system, making it an ideal choice for commercial and industrial rooftops.

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monteringsbeslag til solpaneler

Thailand lancerer 8,7 MW solcelleprojekt med U-Pile jordmonteringssystem

Bangkok, Thailand – In a major step towards advancing its renewable energy capacity, Thailand has successfully completed a groundbreaking 8.7MW solar installation using the U-pile ground mounting system. This project is a significant leap in the country’s efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and transition to cleaner, sustainable energy sources.

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Bella Vista Corrientes, Argentina, lancerer 470 kW solenergiprojekt med Hi-MO 4-serie paneler

Bella Vista, located in Argentina’s northeastern Corrientes province, has officially inaugurated a new 470KW solar power project, featuring 1080 Longi Hi-MO 4 Series mono PERC 435W solar panels. This significant investment in renewable energy is a testament to the region’s commitment to sustainable development, providing both economic and environmental benefits to local communities.

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Beslag til solpaneler

Salta, Argentina afslører 208 MW solenergiprojekt med Hi-MO 1 Series-paneler

In a groundbreaking move toward renewable energy, Salta, Argentina, has successfully launched a 208MW solar power project featuring the highly efficient Longi Hi-MO 1 Series solar panels, specifically the LR6-72PH 375M model. This ambitious project marks a significant step in Argentina’s commitment to green energy, strengthening its position as a regional leader in solar energy adoption.

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Nuevo León afslører nyt 9,7 kW solcelleanlæg på taget

Nuevo León, Mexico - I et vigtigt skridt i retning af bæredygtig energi har Nuevo León-regionen for nylig afsluttet installationen af et 9,7 kW solcelleanlæg på taget. Projektet markerer en vigtig milepæl i områdets overgang til ren energi og giver betydelige økonomiske fordele og positive miljøpåvirkninger for de lokale beboere og virksomheder.

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