Lightweight and durable construction
Aluminum rails are corrosion-resistant and easy to use, and a quality surface treatment will reduce and slow corrosion in wet environments. And this material is compatible with most solar panel frames.

A separate PV installation system
PIKESTEC can provide you with a separate PV installation system. The cost is far less obvious than what you would pay to hire a solar EPC for installation.

Save more energy
Our solar setups are designed to last for decades thanks to our high-quality stainless steel fastening components. By choosing PIKESTEC, you're investing in a sustainable future.
PIKESTEC Products Center
PIKESTEC specializes in designing, researching, developing, producing, and servicing solar photovoltaic mounting systems. Our systems can be installed on tile roofs, flat roofs, ground installations, carport solar mounting systems, and more.

Your Reliable Manufacturer For Solar Panel Mounting
PIKESTEC is a manufacturer of solar photovoltaic mounting systems. We integrate research, design, development, production and service to provide our customers with high-quality products and comprehensive solutions. With more than 80 skilled technical workers and a professional team, we specialize in designing various solar bracket systems for metal roofs, tile roofs, flat roofs and ground installations. We have successfully completed multiple large-scale solar power station projects. Our products undergo repeated strength testing and experimental installation to ensure safety, reliability, superior performance, affordability, and easy installation.
We have extensive experience in the production.
Featured Products

Efektivní montáž solárních panelů na kovové střechy
Zvyšte výrobu solární energie pomocí našeho systému pro montáž na kovové ploché střechy. Miniaturní konstrukce s 5stupňovou opěrnou základnou zvedá panely pro optimální chlazení a zajišťuje maximální účinnost a výkon.

Hliníkový vodotěsný montážní systém pro přístřešky pro auta
Díky našemu hliníkovému vodotěsnému montážnímu systému, který je navržen pro trvanlivost, efektivitu a snadnou instalaci, můžete revolučně změnit instalaci přístřešku pro auto. Nabídněte svým zákazníkům produkt, který je optimalizován pro nízkou hmotnost a navržen tak, aby se přizpůsobil jakýmkoli podmínkám na staveništi.

AE_CMD(topcon 182mm)-108E_415W-435W
Fotovoltaické moduly s technologií N-Type TOPCon jsou vysoce účinné fotovoltaické moduly, které využívají technologii N-Type Silicon a tunelově pasivovaný oxidový kontakt (TOPCon).

get an individual PV mounting system from PIKESTEC
If you are interested in saving money and completing a solar project, you can get an individual PV mounting system from PIKESTEC. The cost is far less obviously than what you would pay to hire a solar EPC installer.You can treat the solar installation process as a semi-DIY project, buy the system or components with highest-quality items to have innovative work.
Case Display
Discover how PIKESTEC turns solar dreams into reality.Here we present some of our cases in the field of solar photovoltaic systems. Through these cases, you can learn about our solutions in different types of projects and how we provide customers with stable and reliable solar photovoltaic system integration solutions. Browse now to learn more details!

General Question About PIKESTEC
Welcome To Contact Us!
PIKESTEC guarantees stable installation according to different types of pitched roofs, pitch and roof coverings to meet the needs of different customers.
Our News

Rumunsko dokončilo 150kW solární projekt s 26mm mini kolejnicovým systémem pro trapézové plechy
Bucharest, Romania – Romania has successfully completed a 150kW solar installation, utilizing the 26mm mini rail system for trapezoidal sheet metal roofs. This innovative mounting solution ensures a secure, lightweight, and efficient solar panel installation, further supporting Romania’s transition towards renewable energy. The integration of solar panel brackets enhances the stability and durability of the system, making it an ideal choice for commercial and industrial rooftops.

Slovinsko dokončilo 15kW solární projekt se střešním hákovým systémem T20
Ljubljana, Slovenia – Slovenia has successfully completed a 15kW solar power project using the T20 tile roof hook system, reinforcing its commitment to clean energy solutions. The project integrates advanced solar panel brackets, ensuring secure installation, enhanced energy efficiency, and long-term sustainability.

Thajsko zahajuje 8,7MW solární projekt s U-Pile Ground Mounting System
Bangkok, Thailand – In a major step towards advancing its renewable energy capacity, Thailand has successfully completed a groundbreaking 8.7MW solar installation using the U-pile ground mounting system. This project is a significant leap in the country’s efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and transition to cleaner, sustainable energy sources.
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